Finding our true identity in Christ, who God says we are, isn’t always easy. In last week’s podcast episode, Dan talked about what we believe our identity is and where we find those labels. When asked who you are, we can be quick to identify ourselves as ‘Mom’, or ‘Dad’, or ‘an artist’ or any occupation you possess, but is that really who we are?
If you missed ‘Who Are You?’ - Identity Series Part 1, you can listen here.
Forgetting (or not knowing) our identity in Christ is a deep form of evil, a tactic of our enemy, because when we walk in the truth of who God made us to be, we walk in the power of Christ.
Genesis 1:26-27 NIV26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” 27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
We are made in the image of God, in His likeness. Don’t miss that. The costume we wear, the mask we hide behind, is nothing compared to the reality of who God says we are. I imagine that it breaks our Heavenly Father’s heart how we often trade our God-given identity for a man-made false identity.
“If you were God, and wanted to create beings to love and show Your glory in, You would make them in Your image. This is who I want them to be to experience the purest, truest form of love. This is how we were made. Created us to be in God's image and in God, for God.”
Shouldn’t we ask the One who created us who we are? Shouldn’t we go back to finding out how and why we were formed before we give ourselves a label?
“Many of us, if asked, will say "I'm a father first" or "I'm a mother first" or "I'm a [insert job title here] first" or "I'm a husband first, child first, grandparent first, etc. etc. etc." and if you want me to be blunt with you, those are all not what God says we are if you're a Christ follower. If you're not a Christ follower, finding your identity in any of these things as your sole identity, only will lead to a world of discontentment and displeasure especially if that identity suddenly disappeared for some reason. We do have roles to play - but those are not our true identities. They are just roles that we are called to play for a time. And when we are called is up to the Director, God.”
The foundation of our walk with Christ comes from knowing who we are with Him and who he has made us to be. Forgo the earthly identities you’ve given yourself, or allowed others to give yourself, and go straight to God and His Word for the truth.
“We were made good. God equals good. We were made to be united, under God, and fully trusting in Him. Because of His love, we love. When He moves, we move. When He is still, we are still. It's one fluid motion.”
Ask yourself this week: Who are you? How do you identify yourself? How can you identify yourself better?
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